How I can help
...what my sessions involve

To find out whether hypnotherapy might be helpful to you, please get in touch so I can arrange a complimentary call to discuss how I might be able to help and any questions you may have.
To get the most out of my hypnotherapy, I advise doing 3 to 6 sessions. Each session is approximately one hour. I conduct my sessions both in person and via Zoom, especially since the pandemic. Both are just as effective as each other.
After the first session, I provide you with a personalised recording, which I ask you to listen to (before you go to sleep, or at any time that suits you during the day) in between sessions and beyond the sessions. In particular for chronic health conditions, it is important to keep reinforcing the suggestions for the changes you wish to experience.
A typical first session
...what my sessions involve
All sessions, but in particular the first, start with an in depth chat, for me to thoroughly understand your situation and what your ideal outcome would be.
This is also another opportunity to further discuss the process and deal with any questions or concerns you may have, so you feel completely at ease and ready to relax deeply.
I then ask you to find a most comfortable position, seated or lying down, ideally with your head supported, as I guide you into hypnosis. This is a state in which we are more open to beneficial suggestions, as confirmed by new neural- and brain imaging techniques, which have shown distinct changes in the brain during hypnosis, in response to suggestion.
You will hear my voice as we work together on what you want to achieve. Sometimes I will ask questions, which you can answer from a place of total calm, without interfering conscious thought. But don’t worry, you can’t be made to divulge any information you wouldn’t give in a conscious state – you are in control.
At the end of the session, I guide you back to feeling fully awake. If a session is interrupted (e.g. on Zoom, if the Wifi drops off), then you would simply naturally come out of hypnosis, or worst case scenario, fall asleep and awaken a bit later.
Hypnotherapy is not a long term treatment like counselling. In just 3 to 6 sessions you can make the crucial change that is needed for you to take things forward. After the first session, I provide you with a personalised recording to listen to every day between sessions and beyond, as it is important to keep reinforcing the suggestions for the changes you wish to experience.